Have you recently been through a major storm? Is this the first time your circuit breaker has thrown a tantrum? Don’t know where to begin? You’ve arrived at the right location. Let’s take a look at how to locate your circuit breakers and reclaim your electricity.

First and foremost, there is safety.

When your circuit breaker trips for the first time, it can be frightening, but there’s no need to be concerned. While resetting a circuit breaker in your home is safe, you should proceed with caution. Make sure not to touch any exposed wires or try to disassemble the breaker panel. Because water and electricity don’t mix, avoid approaching the circuit breaker if the area around it is damp or wet—wait.

Turn off any lights or appliances that are affected.

You don’t want to blow the fuse on your living room television or other significant appliances on top of your circuit breaker tripping. You will not only be without power, but you will also have a very unhappy household. To avoid this issue, ensure sure all main electronic equipment is turned off before dealing with the circuit breaker. If there isn’t an off switch, unplug the appliance to disconnect the power supply before continuing.

Locate the Circuit Breaker Box

Do you have no idea where your breaker box is? Circuit breakers are commonly situated in a utility area, such as a basement, laundry room, or utility closet, in a gray metal service box. It’s possible that the circuit breaker box won’t be visible immediately away if it’s in a finished room. Check to check if there are any wall cabinets in the room that could contain the box. You might have a fuse box instead of the main box if you own an older property and can’t find it. Fuse boxes are similar to breakers, however, the mechanism for restoring the circuit after a fuse blow is different. After you’ve found the breaker box, open the door and look for rows of switches.

Look for breakers that are in the OFF position.

Check to see if the circuit breaker is lit up red or orange; this indicates that the breaker has been turned off. If no color is visible, check to see if any levers are in the opposite position of the other levers that are turned on. If the lever is positioned toward the exterior of the panel in most circuit breaker boxes, it is most likely in the OFF position.

Return to the ON position.

When you’ve located the circuit breaker that’s been turned off, turn it back on. When you flip the lever back on, you should feel a tiny resistance and hear a clicking sound to indicate that it’s been flipped back on. This is something that should be restored.

Turn On Lights and Appliances Affected

After you’ve reset your electricity and turned the breaker to the ON position, you can turn your appliances back on and plug-in any unplugged gadgets. You’re done once you’ve double-checked all of the outlets and ensured that your power has been properly restored. Isn’t that simple?

What Should You Do If Your Circuit Breaker Is Constantly Tripping?

If your circuit breaker continues to malfunction, you should consult an electrician because there could be a more serious issue at hand. A short circuit, an overloaded circuit, or a ground fault can all cause a circuit breaker to trip. You can learn more about these frequent concerns before calling an electrician so you can convey the situation to your electrician and have it serviced promptly and efficiently.

Elite Electrical and Pumps has provided millions with a better level of convenience, safety, reliability, and professionalism. You’ll know you’re in good hands when you choose our services. You might want to consider an electrical safety examination while you’re at it. Fortunately, Elite Electrical and Pumps is also certified in this area! For any of your electrical needs, contact us now.

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When Your Circuit Breaker Trips, What Should You Do?
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